We’re a design agency that meets people where they live. These days, that’s mostly online, but we also love reaching people with creative and surprising work delivered through traditional channels.

How We Work
Four employees meeting around a coffee table.

We work well with others.

We’re not shy about sharing our ideas. Our clients can’t be either. We encourage true collaboration where everyone pitches in and nothing is held back.

Ikon Pass purchase options displayed on a tablet.

We’re built for change.

We have the size and discipline to tackle big projects, but that doesn’t prevent us from being nimble. Our clients are unique and deserve an approach that meets their needs.

Two employees at a boardroom table smile while looking at a laptop screen

Fun is fundamental.

We sweat the details but we have a few laughs along the way. We truly believe that having a good time is the key to creating engaging work.

A woman sits with her feet up on a coffee table while working on a laptop

Results matter.

Happy clients are a great reward, but we really crave the affirmation offered by numbers. Driving business is our ultimate goal, so we’re constantly measuring and adjusting to optimize our impact.

An abstract illustration depicting six circles, each with a different highlight colour.

Diversity, equity & inclusion.

Representation matters, rich perspectives result from diversity, and differences are an important part of our culture, reputation, and achievements. Our annual report takes a look at where we are and where we need to go.

View report

What we believe in.

Our purpose and values are what make us, us. We’re proud of them and proud to live them when we show up to work every day. (Even virtually.)

See our purpose & values

Corner-office types. (If we had corner offices.)

Dan Evans

Managing Partner

Bill Hunt

Managing Partner

Krista Davey

Head of Media & Analytics

Ed Mehrer

Head of Customer Experience

Michael Tran

Head of Creative

Derek McBurney

Head of Technology

Arif Hirani

Head of Client Engagement

Sarah Gay

Head of Growth

Jennifer Spackman

Head of Operations

Dawn Allen

Head of Finance

Our Culture